Tuesday, May 11, 2010

RE: failure to realize issue

i agree, now lets get down to why your "wrong", the law in all technicality is backing up a federal law. however, there are some clear distinctions as to why you would redundantly remake a law in your state, and it is not becuase the law itself is required, its to start a control test bed.
most people are going to tell you this is about immigration, its not, its about the paperwork. never before in the history of the united states have we ever required a piece of paper to travel through or within states, and since early infancy of the union (not the US) that some states had some restrictions on this as well, but once we became an actual nation these were all but abolished and or ignored.
today we see that this law is going to require law abiding citizen and sovereign citizens of the united states to carry papers to prove this, we can make a clear connection between this and pre-war nazi germany, hitler introduced a law requiring everyone to carry papers to prove nationality to stop terrorism and illegals (jews mainly).
racism is not the main issue here, most of arizona is hispanic/mexican or even better native american, its more about the start of the national ID act, where instead of what it used to be of only requiring you to give a truthful name and date of birth.
you can argue that this is the mark of the beast, im no bible thumper and dont believe in organized religion, but i do know that in the bible it is predicted that a man or entity will require all its people to have the mark of the beast to travel or purchase anything. that mark could be the requirment of papers. you can also argue that these marks have shown up in other countries (germany, N.korea, japan, china, and others) who all require you to carry papers.
all theories aside, do you want anyone to have the power to detain you for the lack of a piece of paper? No, how are little mexican kids suppose to prove legality? how are any kids able to prove legality? can the children and sovereign citizens who have no papers to prove their status, are they to be persecuted for their lack of ability to aquire such papers? And to the above comment, lets logically look at the drug problem, most drugs that are tested within a human body like marijuana can be directly traced back to US government grown marijuana, statisticly speaking more marijuana comes from california, colorado, maine and a few other states than mexico combined. however, this is not said, becuase mexico to the media is the scape goat of all our problems. if some one wants to do something illegal they are going to do that wether they are legal or not, requiring law abiding citizens to go past basic checkpoints for the common good is the same thing the USSR and nazi germany said. its not american to abide by unjust laws, its not american to be totalitarian, its not american to limit travel, its not american to limit any inalienable right.
and to be frank, if your not native american at least 50%, you should in all reason leave. why do i say leave you might ask, its becuase you didnt come in legaly, legally coming into this country is having a native born family, if you are Asian, Anglo Saxon, or have more than 50% from any race other than native americans, you are in logical sense illegal, becuase the united states government illegally took land from us, and then committed genocide on our people to ensure we were unable to fight back. so to say you are legal is to say they are too, they have far more right to texas and arizona than the US ever has and ever will, other than distorted history and illegal activity the united states has no jurisdiction in texas or california or arizona and new mexico, as all of these states were illegally taken from mexico or native peoples. It's also clear that if you want to stop immigrants you have to stop the want, just like water bugs (oriental roaches), they wont bother your home unless they smell water or mold, that is their source of life. if you want (lets just talk about mexico here) mexicans to stop illegally crossing the border, take away the ability for employers to take advantage and instead of giving the illegal a free meal and a ride home, arrest both the employer and the illegals and try them for treason. why treason? becuase its punishable by death, employing the enemy of the state has always been treason and i believe anyone who trespasses onto land that is not theirs is an invader and should be treated as such in the laws of war. so if you want to stop immigrants treat them as foot soldiers, and either open fire if required or arrest them and hold them under the rules of war and try them under those laws. i bet you people stop coming once they see their comrades being put to death for trying to invade our country.be aware that there is a war going on at our mexico border, you can account this to farmer waking up to mortar fire and rpg fire, and having to take up arms to fight off mexican army who are trafficking people and or drugs. also legalizing drugs and taxing them would legitimize the buisness and stop any (most) illegal activity as it would no longer be profitable. right now a gram of high grade marijuana costs more than a gram of gold. fix that and it stops being a viable illegal buisness. please stop blaming drugs on illegals as that is 1% of all drug traffic compared to intrestate commerce.

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