Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh health care reform how I love thee.

To say it nicely we are looking at times that would make any past president curdle in fear. We have had many clear passages showing that our for fathers did not want a large massive government running everyday life. We have just seen this, and found that it further deepens the faults of our already broken system. Mr.Fumento writes that many americans do not want healthcare reform that is fast versus done right.
He also states that this is likely a bill passed to be a win for dems, considering they had yet to get one. With most polls showing that americans do not want this kind of reform and are all around disapointed and or angry. We can agree with Mr.Fumento when he says that there are major flaws that could cost us in the long run. Which is where we all look at for long term healthcare.
We can see that Mr.Fumento is appealing to a broad audience and that he has done just that with the full facts laid out just enought to riddle the pages. We find that his information backs his idea also, giving multiple instances where the majority was against healthcare reform or parts of it respectively.
He gives far more evidence than required to be credible and coherent to his point being given, He has accomplished his goal which is to show that the bill is not "by the people" or "of the people" it was only "for the people" mandated by our big brother, who clearly knows what is good for us. Mr.fumento is hinting at a bigger picture and does this well without getting to many boxers in a wad.