Saturday, February 13, 2010


Our government seems to make its ideals very clear, including being transparant. But, when it comes to the most crucial times of all we find out government and even ourselves lying to each other and our own. We are always reminded that when in times of war and other periods where security matters; its O.K. to keep secrets and murder, mame, and just all around teach a lesson to. in our latest escapades we surely keep secrets from our neighbors and others due to the lack of trust in one another...a scare tactic. The government has done this years and years over and over, but the best that they can come up with many a times is less than sub-par for a cover up. including this article where our beloved transparant government blatantly tells us they have lied all be it in the past it still rings true to this day and age. Believe me humans dont just change over a few decades this still goes on, please read between these lines and get to the bottom of it.,2933,585784,00.html